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  • 英倫商務應屆生英文簡歷


    OFFICEMANAGER / IMPERIAL BANK – NewYork, New York 2015 TOPRESENT1. This is anexample of paragraph text. 2. You candelete it and enter copy of your choice. 3. This is anexample of paragraph You Can delete it and enter This is an example.REGIONALMANAGER / IMPERIAL BANK – NewYork, New York 2012 to20151. This is anexample of paragraph text. 2. You candelete it and enter copy of your choice.

  • 簡約證券金融英文簡歷


    2017.07-2019.09 Bank of China Customer service Job description:lProviding custom serviceincluding 7*24 financial consultations, trading assistants, Q&As andcustomer cares through telephone and internet.lIn the cases of which clients’problems could not be solved online, transfer the information to the back staffto settle, and track the settlements before communicating with the clients.lAbiding the regulations andworking closely with the operating administration and other co-workers.2019.07-2020.09 Bank of China Customer service Job description:lProviding custom serviceincluding 7*24 financial consultations, trading assistants, Q&As andcustomer cares through telephone and internet.lIn the cases of which clients’problems could not be solved online, transfer the information to the back staffto settle, and track the settlements before communicating with the clients.

  • 無邊框風格中英文簡歷兩套


    京東(廣州)有限公司 財務會計使用財務ERP軟件模擬企業(yè)制作各項科目費用,原料比價采購,庫存管理,加工生產及銷售管理,協(xié)助公司孵化項目完成融資,撰寫了#個孵化項目獨立融資BP;按月度、季度及年度定期制作公司經營利潤分析,公司毛利分析及分店單位運營成本分析,并出具報表Jingdong(Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. Financial AccountingUsing financial ERPsoftware to simulate the company's production of various subject costs, rawmaterial price procurement, inventory management, processing production andsales management, assist the company's incubation project to completefinancing, wrote #incubation project independent financing BP; monthly,quarterly and annual production Analysis of the company's operating profit,analysis of the company's gross profit and analysis of the operating costs ofthe branch, and issue a report

  • 新媒體運營個人求職英文簡歷


    October 20xx - September 20XX Wuhan University professional/financialMajor Courses:Management, AccountingPrinciples, Financial Management, Intermediate Financial Accounting, Auditing,Cost Accounting, Management Accounting, Computerized Accounting, AdvancedFinancial Accounting, Management Statistics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics,Management science, Marketing, Economic Law, Professional English forAccounting, Basic Computer science.

  • 新媒體運營英文簡歷配套模板


    Inauguration Company: Shenzhen Photonic Studio2018.08-2019.021. To help build and improve thecurriculum system;2. To assist in the completion oftraining design and project production, complete the release of the developedproducts, and track the practice, develop optimization programs, completeproduct optimization;3. Responsible for collectingrelevant teaching resources, feedback from all parties, and working outoptimization programsInauguration Company: Chengdu Tianmei Studio2018.08-2019.021. Communicate with parents andstudents by telephone and face-to-face, tap the actual needs of parents andstudents, and help parents and students understand the school curriculum andservices;2. Conduct assessments forstudents and develop practical learning and progress programs;

  • 教師通用簡約英文簡歷


    Participated in the "How to be an English Instructor"training activities I teached American students Chinese four hours by bilingualeducation weekly, which exercised my communication skills and presentationskills greatly.Assisted chief instructor to lead the students in reading in themorning, practice, teach the usage of words and organized fun activities.Teaching language courses by the students affirmed and loved. Thecourse covered ancient Chinese literature, Chinese Modern and ContemporaryLiterature and Foreign Literature.

  • 商務風格英文簡歷求職模板


    · Demonstrateyour knowledge of the company, matching the language in your resume to thelanguage of their posting. · Ifyou have job experiences that you are not proud of, or that are not relevant tothe current opportunity, you should just omit them.· Youraccomplishments, error-free writing, grammatically correct, will make theimpression for you!· Donot use personal pronouns; each line should be a phrase rather than a fullsentence.· Bulletpoints should describe your experience in a few sentences, and do not make yourresume read like a job description.· Usethe “bullet plus” to strengthen your descriptions. Include what you did plushow, why or the impact of your work.

  • 醫(yī)護英文簡歷模板


    I am cheerful, serious andresponsible for work, sincere, good at communication and coordination, strongorganizational ability and team spirit; lively and cheerful, optimistic,self-motivated, loving and good at teaching; self-motivated, diligent inlearning, can constantly improve their ability and comprehensive quality. Inthe future work, I will work hard with abundant energy and assiduous spirit tosteadily improve my working ability.

  • 清新英文簡歷模板


    Lorem ipsum dolor: sit ametconsectet gelit. it ellentesque eleife ornare ipsun enunc pulvinati ncidunt.quis pul vinar mellu Lorem ipsum dolor: sit amet consectet gelit. itellentesque eleife ornare ipsun enunc pulvinati ncidunt. quis pul vinar mellu。Loremipsum dolor: sit amet consectet gelit. it ellentesque eleife ornare ipsun enuncpulvinati ncidunt. quis pul vinar mellu.

  • 中英文簡歷


    I just work in that era, the financial professional to the onlyperson impression is abacus accounting,there is nocertified publicaccountants,and no one heard four,no financial directo.

  • 英文簡歷+中文簡歷


    GuangzhouUniversity 211Market Management GPA:3.6 UNDERGRADFinancial Accounting Double DegreeHonor award::In 2015 won the school class"three good students" (# People Award) ;GPA3.5, top student, 2016;2018 English competition, won thesecond prize, ranked the first school;

  • 英文簡歷-英語老師簡歷


    I am of great honor to stand here and introducemyself to you. First of all ,my name is ....if you are going to have a jobinterview ,you must say much things which can show your willingness to thisjob, such as ,it is my long cherished dream to be ... And i am eager to get anopportunity to do...and then give some examples which can give evidence to.Then you can say something about your hobbies. And it is best that the hobbieshave something to do with the job.

  • 銀行英文簡歷


    2018.09- Present China ConstructionBank Corporation (Chaoyang Branch) Lobby manager l According tocustomer characteristics and business types, guide and distribute customers todesignated windows or self-service machines to handle business, maintain hallorder and solve customer disputes.l Guide andassist customers to fill out forms for various businesses and copy ID cards andother relevant documents to answer the questions customers encounter when usingATM self-service terminals, help customers solve difficulties encounteredduring use, passion, sincerity, patience, Accurately answer customer's businessconsulting.l Assist inbasic work. For example: help to copy the financial product instructions, helpmanagers organize various promotional activities, etc.l Jobperformance: During the internship, the customer received XXX in total, no complaints,and received favorable comments from customers; completed the number of creditcard accounts XXXXX.

  • 金融會計創(chuàng)意風英文簡歷


    AccountingAssistantAlvakin and Sons Inc. | 2011-2016January 2020 - May 2020Assisted in collecting data and creating budgetreports and documentsHoned my skills and expertise as an accountant ina professional environmentSenior AccountantOcular BeamEnterprises | 2016-2020Managed theaccounting department with day-to-day dutiesInspected andreviewed all budget reports and documents before they left the office

  • 單頁英文簡歷


    With a record ofconsistent profit contributions amounting to millions of dollars in generalmanagement, marketing and production in the U. S. And internationally, accustomed to autonomousmultidivision responsibility. Equipped to use all management techniques toaccomplish company objectives.GENERAL MANAGEMENTAccomplished seven divisionalturnarounds leading these divisions from high five-figure losses to six-figureprofits in periods ranging from three months to two years.PRODUCTIONSuccessfully engineered and producedfour new products of complex technology applying various engineeringdisciplines and marketing skills.MARKETINGConceived and implemented new marketingplan which broadened distribution and increased volume 27%, increased profits9%.FINANCEInstituted new financial controls andprocedures, increased cash flow 19%, improved R. O. I. 13%, set objectives andachieved financial ratios which became the envy of the industry.TECHNICALBACKGROUNDIntimately familiar with themetalworking industry and with sophisticated machinery and equipment in a boardarea of manufacturing.

  • 商務簡約行政經理英文簡歷


    Executive ManagerABCCompany / September 2018- Present· Scheduleand coordinate meetings, appointments, and travel arrangements for supervisorsand managers· Trained2 administrative assistants during a period of company expansion to ensureattention to detail and adherence to company policy· Developednew filing and organizational practices, saving the company $3,000 per year incontracted labor expenses· Maintainutmost discretion when dealing with sensitive topics· Managetravel and expense reports for department team members

  • 創(chuàng)意英文簡歷求職模板


    POSITIONTITLE CompanyName, Location, 2017– Present· Demonstrate your knowledge of thecompany, matching the language in your resume to the language of their posting.· If you have job experiences thatyou are not proud of, or that are not relevant to the current opportunity, youshould just omit them.· Your accomplishments, error-freewriting, grammatically correct, will make the impression for you!· Do not use personal pronouns; eachline should be a phrase rather than a full sentence.· Bullet points should describe yourexperience in a few sentences, and do not make your resume read like a jobdescription.· Use the “bullet plus” tostrengthen your descriptions. Include what you did plus how, why or the impactof your work.

  • 單頁簡潔英文簡歷


    Guangzhou Friendship HotelAssistant Banquet Manager--responsible for planning and coordination of200 banquets and private parties per year for 10 to 500 guests (businessmeetings, personal celebrations, community events). Meal planning and themedevelopment in consultation with banquet hosts。Dongdan Restaurant.Waiter——Served in morningtea hall and lunch hall.

  • 個人求職英文簡歷模板


    OFFICE MANAGER / IMPERIAL BANK – NewYork, NewYork 2015 to presentThis is an example of paragraph text. You can delete it and enter copyof your choice. This is an example of paragraph You Can delete it and enter This is anexample. This is anexample of paragraph You Can delete it and enter This is an example. This is anexample of paragraph text. You can delete it and enter copy of your choice.

  • 市場營銷英文簡歷


    2015.07-2015.09 Bank of China Customer service Job description:lProviding custom service including 7*24 financialconsultations, trading assistants, Q&As and customer cares throughtelephone and internet.lIn the cases of which clients’ problems could not be solvedonline, transfer the information to the back staff to settle, and track thesettlements before communicating with the clients.lAbiding the regulations and working closely with theoperating administration and other co-workers.2015.07-2015.09 Bank of China Customer service Job description:lProviding custom service including 7*24 financialconsultations, trading assistants, Q&As and customer cares throughtelephone and internet.lIn the cases of which clients’ problems could not be solvedonline, transfer the information to the back staff to settle, and track thesettlements before communicating with the clients.
