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  • 大班英語教案:shoes大班英語教案


    過程: 一. Greeting Hello ,how are you ? What ‘s the weather like today ? What the day is today ? 二. Warming 《The sun》、《The moon》 三. 新授 1. Gue What’s in the bag ? It’s …… They are …… 2.One by one

  • 大班英語教案:Party


    prize… Teaching contents: prince , sheriff, ghost, clow Sentence : What ’s the weather like today ? Song: 《Party song》 Prince , sheriff, ghost, clown. one, two, there, four, five sit down. Prince , sheriff, ghost, clown. Five, six, seven, eight sit down. Teaching proce : 1.a.Greetings: Good morning ,everybody!

  • 大班英語教案:pig


    1.To learn some new words about farm: mouse, pig, fox. 2.To learn a poem: These are grandma's glaes. Language points: The new word and po eive's. Difficult points: 1.The po e ive's. 2.The poem: These are grandma's gla es. Teaching aids: Computer, tape and some wordcards. Teaching methods: Communicative aroach Blackboard design: These are Grandma's glaes. Teaching ste : Step1 Warm up: 1.Sing the song together "Head,shoulders ,knees and toes". Sing and do the actio 2 times.

  • 大班英語教案:Finger


    二. Activity content:1.會說finger2.聽懂What’s this?三.Activity aims: 1.讓幼兒聽懂并學會finger 2.讓幼兒知道手指的作用,有保護和清潔手的意識.四.Activity materials:手電筒一個,手指娃娃五個,廣告顏料若干,大白紙四張(上面畫好了大小不等的圓形),抹布四塊

  • 大班英語教案:What do you wantI want……

    大班英語教案:What do you wantI want……

    1、復習水果的英語名稱,初步掌握句型What do you want?Iwant…… 2、在游戲中感知新句型并體驗英語游戲的樂趣。 Teaching Aids: a basket some fruits some fruit’scards a dice two trees Teaching Ste : 一、Greeting T: Hello,Good noon,boys and girls! C: Hello,Good noon,Melody!. T:What do you see?Look,I have a beautifulbasket.There are some fruits in it!Look,what’s this? :It’s a……

  • 大班英語教案:how to make tea

    大班英語教案:how to make tea

    2.正確掌握音標/v/發(fā)音要領,學習并會運用短語Have some water ./Have some tea.教學準備:茶葉茶壺水杯礦泉水瓶熱水壺椅子桌子教學過程:1. 組織教學:Let’s count from one toten.2. 練習單詞five 的發(fā)音,講解音標/v/的發(fā)音要領并練習/v/的發(fā)音.3. 學習單詞have,注意幼兒的發(fā)音。

  • 大班英語教案:Play with hapes

    大班英語教案:Play with hapes

    2、 review the wordsabout color 3、 讓幼兒通過看、聽、說等多感官來體會學習英語的快樂; 4、 建立良好的聽說能力; 5、 通過tpr、游戲等活動,讓幼兒在學習外語的同時,發(fā)展其動覺智力。 teaching materials(教具準備): tape ; sticker; 魔法棒一個;各種圖形的圖片; 毛線;自制釣魚工具;情境掛圖;cd; teaching proce (教學流程): 一、 warm up(熱身): 1、 tpr:播放律動“play-wayto english”,讓幼兒伴隨著音樂進入課堂,并一起做律動。 2、greetings: t: how are you today? s: i’m fine, thank you! and you? t: i’m fine too. and how is the weather today? s: it’s su y/rainy day. t: woo… you are so great. you are looking so lovely today. ok, now today i’mmagic, and then please look at the blackboard.

  • 大班英語教案:Do you like to eat

    大班英語教案:Do you like to eat

    二、活動準備水果藍一只,水果若干,手偶一個。三、活動過程1.復習歌曲“Good morning to you.”T: good morning, boys and girls. Let’s sing the song“good morning to you”, Ok?C: Ok.2.學習banana和orange.T: Look! I have a beautiful basket. There are somefruits in it! Look, that’s…C: 香蕉T: Yes, This is a banana.請幼兒跟讀T:(嘗一口)Banana is sweet. Follow me.Banana is sweet. Do you like to eat banana?C: Yes.T: If you want to eat banana, Let’s sing the song“I like banana.” Ok?C: Ok.T: Ok, very good!Act:Monkey: Mrs. Gao, Miss Gao.T: Let’s have a look, what’s coming?C: Monkey.T: Monkey, Yes!M: I want to eat…(著急說不出來)

  • 大班英語教案:“sing dance paly”

    大班英語教案:“sing dance paly”

    2、能聽懂并會說基本句型:let’s sing. let’s dance .let’s paly 。 3、培養(yǎng)口語表達能力,提高學習英語的興趣。 活動準備: 教學掛圖、卡片、小鳥、小熊的頭飾等 活動過程: 一、 日常對話: 1、t: good morning , children! c: good morning , teacher ! 2、sing the song “goodmorning!” 3、t: how are you ,today? c: fine, thank you . how are you ? t: i’m fine , too . 二、 復習舊知: 1、t: last week , we havelearnt something in our schoolbag . now , let’s say them again , ok ? (教師卡片出示學過的學習用品,請幼兒認讀) 2、教師出示某一種學習用品,用“do you have a …?”問幼兒,請幼兒用“yes , i do . 和 no , i don’t.”來回答。

  • 大班英語教案:ZOO FARM

    大班英語教案:ZOO FARM

    2. After you! 班級:大三班人數(shù):33人 時間:2003.10.20 課時:30分鐘 教師:朱坤 活動目標:1.理解詞語含義,發(fā)音準確。 2.喜歡玩游戲,用英語玩角色游戲。 準備:圖片、汽車方向盤、售票員。 活動過程: 一.出示圖片 1. T: Morning kids. C: Morning 2. T: Today it’s a sunny day? Let’s play together ok? C: Ok! 二.老師帶領幼兒一同出去玩。走到圖片A處 T: Oh, what’s it? C: panda fox dog…… T: 為什么它們都到這里來了,我們應該把它們送到哪里呢? C: 動物園。 T: Yes zoo. C: Zoo. 老師帶領幼兒一起Go to the zoo. T: Ok, This is zoo. Go to the zoo. C: Go to the zoo.

  • 大班英語教案:she is my mother

    大班英語教案:she is my mother

    He is handsome. I love my father.Teaching procedures:A: Revision1. Singing: Hello, How are you? Ilike coffee Teddy Bear2. A chant: grandfather, grandfather, old, grandmother, grandmother, healthy, father, father, handsome, mother, mother, pretty, uncle, uncle, fat, auntie, auntie, slim, sister, sister, smart, brother, brother, naughty, Iam lovely.

  • 大班英語教案:run、play football 、jump rope

    大班英語教案:run、play football 、jump rope

    二.活動準備: 足球一個,繩子一條,跑步動作的圖片。 三.活動過程 1、greeting t: hello,good morning,boys and girls! c: hello,good morning,mi su 2, to learn (1)t:what’s do you see? c:足球。(教師出示足球) t:yes, football.read afterme,please. c: football, football, football tk.do you like football? c:yes. tk,let’s plaly football.(做踢足球的動作) c: plaly football. plaly football. plaly football.

  • 大班英語教案:Review units 5~9

    大班英語教案:Review units 5~9

    T:Today,we’re going to have a revision class. Now, are you ready?Ⅰ.warming up.Song: A B C songT:let’s sing the “ABC sing”,o.k? The wholeclass,ready?(go)Ⅱ.Daily talk.T: let’s have a daily talk!Ⅲ.game:Draw lots.(一)T:there are so many piece of paper in this box.You can choose one and tell me what color is it. then open and read the numb.on it. I will help you to count it.

  • 大班英語教案:Let`s Do It .

    大班英語教案:Let`s Do It .

    2、通過游戲活動,激發(fā)幼兒對學習英語的興趣。教學準備:reading、 singing、 drawing、dancing的圖片各一幅活動過程:一、Warm up : 1 Greeting——《Hello》song ; 2 Review——sing the《Ru ing》song; 二、Gue ,what am I dong ?——reading、 singing、 drawing、dancing; 1、請學生安靜,猜老師做的動作是什么;——看書、唱歌、繪畫、跳舞; 2、請個別學生做動作,其他學生來猜是什么; 3、Game : 《I say , you do》 If I say “reading”, you are reading;If I say “singing”, you are singing……

  • 大班英語教案:May I come in Come in,please

    大班英語教案:May I come in Come in,please

    2、感受、理解句型“May I come in? Come in,please.”并學習表達. 設計思路:以故事的形式,幫助幼兒感受、理解學習句型。在教具演示中講述故事,聽覺和視覺的雙重刺激,使幼兒理解所學句子的含義,消除語音上的困難,并通過師生互動、生生互動來操練、鞏固,讓幼兒在愉快、輕松的自然習得知識?;顒恿鞒蹋鹤匀粚?、激發(fā)興趣 感知理解、體驗交流 活動延續(xù)。 活動準備:移動圖片教具:貓;兔、狗、鳥的家。自然導入,激發(fā)興趣 1、 師生問候(Daily talk) 2、 (出示貓)What’s this? Please act the cat. 幼兒與老師對話 個別、集體幼兒邊做動作邊講: 1、 Cat, cat, It’s a cat.

  • 大班英語教案:lion’s birthday

    大班英語教案:lion’s birthday

    場景一:門鈴響了,獅子去開門。 l: who? r: i’m ra it. l: good morning, ra its. r: good morning, lion. how are you? l: i’m fine, thank you. come in please. r: thank you. r: ha y birthday. (把禮物給獅子)here you are. we hope youlike. l: thank you. sit down please. please, please(拿出一些吃的請小兔子們吃) r: thank you. teddy bear : hello, everyone. i’m teddy bear.today is lion’s birthday. we prepared a present for him. let’s go lion’shome. (song: teddy bear, teddy bear, walk, walk, walk. teddy bear,teddy bear, hop, hop, hop, teddy bear, teddy bear, run, run, run, teddy bear,teddy bear, jump, jump, jump. )

  • 大班英語教案:Happy Tour

    大班英語教案:Happy Tour

    教學準備:1、猴子頭飾、大象掛圖、小猴子的家、歡快的音樂;2、桃子、香蕉、蘋果、生梨卡片人手一份、裝有apple、banana、pear和peach的小手提人手一個。教學過程:一、翻山越嶺去旅行 1、T:Hi, babies! 今天,MissLiu要帶你們去旅行,Are you happy?Let’s 背起書包、戴上帽子、戴上cool cool的太陽眼鏡,準備出發(fā),Are you ready?2、教師帶領,和幼兒一起越過重重障礙。

  • 大班英語教案:caterpillar butterfly ladybug

    大班英語教案:caterpillar butterfly ladybug

    (1) Helpthe kids learn the new words and sentence. (2) Help the kids review: Words: Monday、Tuesday、Wednesday、Thursday、Friday、Saturday、Sunday、a le、pear、banana、strawberry、orange、cake、biscuit、hamburger、ice-cream、peach、watermelon、fat、thin、hungry Chant: 《Season Chant》《A Week》 Song: 《Morning Song》 Teaching aids: (1) Picture cards: caterpillar、ladybug 、a le、pear、banana、strawberry、orange、cake、biscuit、hamburger、ice-cream、peach、watermelon (2) Real object: toy butterfly、yellow board、cotton. Teaching procedure:

  • 大班英語教案:A family of chicken

    大班英語教案:A family of chicken

    活動準備: 1.Chicken頭飾、雞蛋(均人手一份) 2.cock(由教師扮演)hen (由大班幼兒扮演) 3.音樂《Mother hen》 4.草叢、籃筐(2個)活動過程: 一.唱歌念兒歌,組織教學.1. T: Come on Babies! Lets sing some songs, are you ready?2. 復習單詞cock、chicken、henT: Look! (教師帶上cock頭飾) Who am I? (cock)T: Yes, I am cock..T: 誰想做我的寶寶chicken? (幫每位托兒帶上chicken頭飾)T:(親親抱抱cock) Who are you?(chicken)3. Rhyme:《A family of chicken》發(fā)現(xiàn)hen 不在Chicken chicken, ji ji jiCock cock, wo wo woHen hen, guoguoda guoguoda

  • 大班英語教案交通工具


    目的: 1.引導幼兒在游戲中復習單詞: bus car train planeboat。 2.引導幼兒在游戲中學習使用單詞:by。 3.能較好地遵守游戲的各項規(guī)則。 準備: 1、各種交通工具(bus car plane train boat)的玩具模型、操作道具,圖片,掛圖,小動物(小兔.小貓.小狗.小羊.小牛)的房子和頭飾。 2、幼兒對各種交通工具的名稱已有初步的印象。 過程: 一、WARM UP 1. 律動:《By bus》 師:Let’s go by bus, OK? 2. Are you ha y today ? 師:How do you feel today? Are you ha y?/Areyou sad? /Are you angry?
