(一)、創(chuàng)設情景,導入新課摸牌游戲:三位同學持三組牌,指定三位同學分別任意摸出一張,看誰能摸到紅牌,他們一定能摸到紅牌嗎?請手持牌的同學根據(jù)自已手中牌的情況,用語言描述一下抽出紅牌的情況??偨Y(jié):在一定條件下,有些事情我們事先能肯定它一定發(fā)生,這些事情成為 事件。有些事情我們事先能肯定它一定不會發(fā)生,這些事情稱為 事件。 事件和 事件統(tǒng)稱為確定事件。許多事情我們事先無法肯定它會不會發(fā)生,這些事情稱為 事件,也稱為 事件。
3)乘除運算①有理數(shù)的乘法法則:(老師給出,學生一起朗讀)1. 兩數(shù)相乘,同號得正,異號得負,并把絕對值相乘;2. 任何數(shù)與零相乘都得零;3. 幾個不等于零的數(shù)相乘,積的符號由負因數(shù)的個數(shù)決定,當負因數(shù)有奇數(shù)個數(shù),積為負;當負因數(shù)的個數(shù)為偶數(shù)個時,積為正;4. 幾個有理數(shù)相乘,若其中有一個為零,積就為零。②有理數(shù)的除法法則:(老師提問,學生回答)1. 兩個有理數(shù)相除,同號得正,異號得負,并把絕對值相除;2. 除以一個數(shù)等于乘以這個數(shù)的倒數(shù)。③關(guān)系(老師給出)除法轉(zhuǎn)化為乘法進行運算。
課題序號 授課班級 授課課時2授課形式新課授課章節(jié) 名稱§9-1 平面基本性質(zhì)使用教具多媒體課件教學目的1.了解平面的定義、表示法及特點,會用符號表示點、線、面之間的關(guān)系—基礎模塊 2.了解平面的基本性質(zhì)和推論,會應用定理和推論解釋生活中的一些現(xiàn)象—基礎模塊 3.會用斜二測畫法畫立體圖形的直觀圖—基礎模塊 4.培養(yǎng)學生的空間想象能力教學重點用適當?shù)姆柋硎军c、線、面之間的關(guān)系;會用斜二測畫法畫立體圖形的直觀圖教學難點從平面幾何向立體幾何的過渡,培養(yǎng)學生的空間想象能力.更新補充 刪節(jié)內(nèi)容 課外作業(yè) 教學后記能動手畫,動腦想,但立體幾何的語言及想象能力差
Step 5: After learning the text, discuss with your peers about the following questions:1.John Snow believed Idea 2 was right. How did he finally prove it?2. Do you think John Snow would have solved this problem without the map?3. Cholera is a 19th century disease. What disease do you think is similar to cholera today?SARS and Covid-19 because they are both deadly and fatally infectious, have an unknown cause and need serious public health care to solve them urgently.keys:1. John Snow finally proved his idea because he found an outbreak that was clearly related to cholera, collected information and was able to tie cases outside the area to the polluted water.2. No. The map helped John Snow organize his ideas. He was able to identify those households that had had many deaths and check their water-drinking habits. He identified those houses that had had no deaths and surveyed their drinking habits. The evidence clearly pointed to the polluted water being the cause.3. SARS and Covid-19 because they are both deadly and fatally infectious, have an unknown cause and need serious public health care to solve them urgently.Step 6: Consolidate what you have learned by filling in the blanks:John Snow was a well-known _1___ in London in the _2__ century. He wanted to find the _3_____ of cholera in order to help people ___4_____ it. In 1854 when a cholera __5__ London, he began to gather information. He ___6__ on a map ___7___ all the dead people had lived and he found that many people who had ___8____ (drink) the dirty water from the __9____ died. So he decided that the polluted water ___10____ cholera. He suggested that the ___11__ of all water supplies should be _12______ and new methods of dealing with ____13___ water be found. Finally, “King Cholera” was __14_____.Keys: 1. doctor 2. 19th 3.cause 4.infected with 5.hit 6.marked 7.where 8.drunk 9.pump 10.carried 11.source 12.examined 13.polluted 14.defeatedHomework: Retell the text after class and preview its language points
The grammatical structure of this unit is predicative clause. Like object clause and subject clause, predicative clause is one of Nominal Clauses. The leading words of predicative clauses are that, what, how, what, where, as if, because, etc.The design of teaching activities aims to guide students to perceive the structural features of predicative clauses and think about their ideographic functions. Beyond that, students should be guided to use this grammar in the context apporpriately and flexibly.1. Enable the Ss to master the usage of the predicative clauses in this unit.2. Enable the Ss to use the predicative patterns flexibly.3. Train the Ss to apply some skills by doing the relevant exercises.1.Guide students to perceive the structural features of predicative clauses and think about their ideographic functions.2.Strengthen students' ability of using predicative clauses in context, but also cultivate their ability of text analysis and logical reasoning competence.Step1: Underline all the examples in the reading passage, where noun clauses are used as the predicative. Then state their meaning and functions.1) One theory was that bad air caused the disease.2) Another theory was that cholera was caused by an infection from germs in food or water.3) The truth was that the water from the Broad Street had been infected by waste.Sum up the rules of grammar:1. 以上黑體部分在句中作表語。2. 句1、2、3中的that在從句中不作成分,只起連接作用。 Step2: Review the basic components of predicative clauses1.Definition
Step 7: complete the discourse according to the grammar rules.Cholera used to be one of the most 1.__________ (fear) diseases in the world. In the early 19th century, _2_________ an outbreak of cholera hit Europe, millions of people died. But neither its cause, 3__________ its cure was understood. A British doctor, John Snow, wanted to solve the problem and he knew that cholera would not be controlled _4_________ its cause was found. In general, there were two contradictory theories 5 __________ explained how cholera spread. The first suggested that bad air caused the disease. The second was that cholera was caused by an _6_________(infect) from germs in food or water. John Snow thought that the second theory was correct but he needed proof. So when another outbreak of cholera hit London in 1854, he began to investigate. Later, with all the evidence he _7_________ (gather), John Snow was able to announce that the pump water carried cholera germs. Therefore, he had the handle of the pump _8_________ (remove) so that it couldn't be used. Through his intervention,the disease was stopped in its tracks. What is more, John Snow found that some companies sold water from the River Thames that __9__________________ (pollute) by raw waste. The people who drank this water were much more likely _10_________ (get) cholera than those who drank pure or boiled water. Through John Snow's efforts, the _11_________ (threaten) of cholera around the world saw a substantial increase. Keys: 1.feared 2.when 3. nor 4.unless 5.that/which 6.infection 7.had gathered 8.removed 9.was polluted 10.to get 11. threat
This happens because the dish soap molecules have a strong negative charge, and the milk molecules have a strong positive charge. Like magnets, these molecules are attracted to each other, and so they appear to move around on the plate, taking the food coloring with them, making it look like the colors are quickly moving to escape from the soap.Listening text:? Judy: Oh, I'm so sorry that you were ill and couldn't come with us on our field trip. How are you feeling now? Better?? Bill: Much better, thanks. But how was it?? Judy: Wonderful! I especially liked an area of the museum called Light Games.it was really cool. They had a hall of mirrors where I could see myself reflected thousands of times!? Bill: A hall of mirrors can be a lot of fun. What else did they have?? Judy: Well, they had an experiment where we looked at a blue screen for a while, and then suddenly we could see tiny bright lights moving around on it. You'll never guess what those bright lights were!? Bill: Come on, tell me!? Judy: They were our own blood cells. For some reason, our eyes play tricks on us when we look at a blue screen, and we can see our own blood cells moving around like little lights! But there was another thing I liked better. I stood in front of a white light, and it cast different shadows of me in every color of the rainbow!? Bill: Oh, I wish I had been there. Tell me more!? Judy: Well, they had another area for sound. They had a giant piano keyboard that you could use your feet to play. But then, instead of playing the sounds of a piano, it played the voices of classical singers! Then they had a giant dish, and when you spoke into it, it reflected the sound back and made it louder. You could use it to speak in a whisper to someone 17 meters away.? Bill: It all sounds so cool. I wish I could have gone with you? Judy: I know, but we can go together this weekend. I'd love to go there again!? Bill: That sounds like a great idea!
教學目的:理解并熟練掌握正態(tài)分布的密度函數(shù)、分布函數(shù)、數(shù)字特征及線性性質(zhì)。教學重點:正態(tài)分布的密度函數(shù)和分布函數(shù)。教學難點:正態(tài)分布密度曲線的特征及正態(tài)分布的線性性質(zhì)。教學學時:2學時教學過程:第四章 正態(tài)分布§4.1 正態(tài)分布的概率密度與分布函數(shù)在討論正態(tài)分布之前,我們先計算積分。首先計算。因為(利用極坐標計算)所以。記,則利用定積分的換元法有因為,所以它可以作為某個連續(xù)隨機變量的概率密度函數(shù)。定義 如果連續(xù)隨機變量的概率密度為則稱隨機變量服從正態(tài)分布,記作,其中是正態(tài)分布的參數(shù)。正態(tài)分布也稱為高斯(Gauss)分布。
教學準備 1. 教學目標 知識與技能掌握雙曲線的定義,掌握雙曲線的四種標準方程形式及其對應的焦點、準線.過程與方法掌握對雙曲線標準方程的推導,進一步理解求曲線方程的方法——坐標法.通過本節(jié)課的學習,提高學生觀察、類比、分析和概括的能力.情感、態(tài)度與價值觀通過本節(jié)的學習,體驗研究解析幾何的基本思想,感受圓錐曲線在刻畫現(xiàn)實和解決實際問題中的作用,進一步體會數(shù)形結(jié)合的思想.2. 教學重點/難點 教學重點雙曲線的定義及焦點及雙曲線標準方程.教學難點在推導雙曲線標準方程的過程中,如何選擇適當?shù)淖鴺讼担?3. 教學用具 多媒體4. 標簽
教 學 過 程教師 行為學生 行為教學 意圖時間 *揭示課題 8.4 圓(二) *創(chuàng)設情境 興趣導入 【知識回顧】 我們知道,平面內(nèi)直線與圓的位置關(guān)系有三種(如圖8-21): (1)相離:無交點; (2)相切:僅有一個交點; (3)相交:有兩個交點. 并且知道,直線與圓的位置關(guān)系,可以由圓心到直線的距離d與半徑r的關(guān)系來判別(如圖8-22): (1):直線與圓相離; (2):直線與圓相切; (3):直線與圓相交. 介紹 講解 說明 質(zhì)疑 引導 分析 了解 思考 思考 帶領(lǐng) 學生 分析 啟發(fā) 學生思考 0 15*動腦思考 探索新知 【新知識】 設圓的標準方程為 , 則圓心C(a,b)到直線的距離為 . 比較d與r的大小,就可以判斷直線與圓的位置關(guān)系. 講解 說明 引領(lǐng) 分析 思考 理解 帶領(lǐng) 學生 分析 30*鞏固知識 典型例題 【知識鞏固】 例6 判斷下列各直線與圓的位置關(guān)系: ⑴直線, 圓; ⑵直線,圓. 解?、?由方程知,圓C的半徑,圓心為. 圓心C到直線的距離為 , 由于,故直線與圓相交. ⑵ 將方程化成圓的標準方程,得 . 因此,圓心為,半徑.圓心C到直線的距離為 , 即由于,所以直線與圓相交. 【想一想】 你是否可以找到判斷直線與圓的位置關(guān)系的其他方法? *例7 過點作圓的切線,試求切線方程. 分析 求切線方程的關(guān)鍵是求出切線的斜率.可以利用原點到切線的距離等于半徑的條件來確定. 解 設所求切線的斜率為,則切線方程為 , 即 . 圓的標準方程為 , 所以圓心,半徑. 圖8-23 圓心到切線的距離為 , 由于圓心到切線的距離與半徑相等,所以 , 解得 . 故所求切線方程(如圖8-23)為 , 即 或. 說明 例題7中所使用的方法是待定系數(shù)法,在利用代數(shù)方法研究幾何問題中有著廣泛的應用. 【想一想】 能否利用“切線垂直于過切點的半徑”的幾何性質(zhì)求出切線方程? 說明 強調(diào) 引領(lǐng) 講解 說明 引領(lǐng) 講解 說明 觀察 思考 主動 求解 思考 主動 求解 通過例題進一步領(lǐng)會 注意 觀察 學生 是否 理解 知識 點 50
本人所教的兩個班級學生普遍存在著數(shù)學科基礎知識較為薄弱,計算能力較差,綜合能力不強,對數(shù)學學習有一定的困難。在課堂上的主體作用的體現(xiàn)不是太充分,但是他們能意識到自己的不足,對數(shù)學課的學習興趣高,積極性強。 學生在學習交往上表現(xiàn)為個別化學習,課堂上較為依賴老師的引導。學生的群體性小組交流能力與協(xié)同討論學習的能力不強,對學習資源和知識信息的獲取、加工、處理和綜合的能力較低。在教學中盡量分析細致,減少跨度較大的環(huán)節(jié),對重要的推導過程采用板書方式逐步進行,力求讓絕大多數(shù)學生接受。 1.理解橢圓標準方程的推導;掌握橢圓的標準方程;會根據(jù)條件求橢圓的標準方程,會根據(jù)橢圓的標準方程求焦點坐標. 2.通過橢圓圖形的研究和標準方程的討論,使學生掌握橢圓的幾何性質(zhì),能正確地畫出橢圓的圖形,并了解橢圓的一些實際應用。 1.讓學生經(jīng)歷橢圓標準方程的推導過程,進一步掌握求曲線方程的一般方法,體會數(shù)形結(jié)合等數(shù)學思想;培養(yǎng)學生運用類比、聯(lián)想等方法提出問題. 2.培養(yǎng)學生運用數(shù)形結(jié)合的思想,進一步掌握利用方程研究曲線的基本方法,通過與橢圓幾何性質(zhì)的對比來提高學生聯(lián)想、類比、歸納的能力,解決一些實際問題。 1.通過具體的情境感知研究橢圓標準方程的必要性和實際意義;體會數(shù)學的對稱美、簡潔美,培養(yǎng)學生的審美情趣,形成學習數(shù)學知識的積極態(tài)度. 2.進一步理解并掌握代數(shù)知識在解析幾何運算中的作用,提高解方程組和計算能力,通過“數(shù)”研究“形”,說明“數(shù)”與“形”存在矛盾的統(tǒng)一體中,通過“數(shù)”的變化研究“形”的本質(zhì)。幫助學生建立勇于探索創(chuàng)新的精神和克服困難的信心。
一、 教學目標根據(jù)教學大綱的要求以及本節(jié)課的地位與作用,結(jié)合高一學生的認知特點確定教學目標如下:學習目標:1、復習鞏固對數(shù)函數(shù)的圖像及性質(zhì)2、運用對數(shù)函數(shù)的性質(zhì)比較兩個數(shù)的大小能力目標:1、 培養(yǎng)學生運用圖形解決問題的意識即數(shù)形結(jié)合能力2、學生運用已學知識,已有經(jīng)驗解決新問題的能力3、 探索出方法,有條理闡述自己觀點的能力
(一)例題引入籃球聯(lián)賽中,每場比賽都要分出勝負,每隊勝1場得2分,負1場得1分。某隊在10場比賽中得到16分,那么這個隊勝負場數(shù)分別是多少?方法一:(利用之前的知識,學生自己列出并求解)解:設剩X場,則負(10-X)場。方程:2X+(10-X)=16方法二:(老師帶領(lǐng)學生一起列出方程組)解:設勝X場,負Y場。根據(jù):勝的場數(shù)+負的場數(shù)=總場數(shù) 勝場積分+負場積分=總積分得到:X+Y=10 2X+Y=16
中班的幼兒開始愿意探究新異的事物或現(xiàn)象來滿足自己的好奇心,所以,我們的科學活動設計要在淺顯易懂,適合中班幼兒年齡特征的同時,引發(fā)幼兒對科學的初步探究能力。中班的幼兒已經(jīng)具有注意到新異事物或現(xiàn)象的,因此,我們在設計科學活動時要讓幼兒充分發(fā)揮想象,對磁鐵這種“新異”事物提出問題,如什么是磁鐵?什么時候看見過磁鐵?等等類似的問題,可以增強幼兒的探索興趣,提高幼兒的探索的積極性,有利于激發(fā)幼兒的想象力。 中班幼兒主要以具體形象為主,需要具體的活動場景和活動形式,所以活動設計要提供幼兒合適的情景以提供操作思考的機會,進一步發(fā)展幼兒的自主性和主動性。中班幼兒與小班幼兒相比,活動時間也有所增加,因此也需要在活動時間上給予一定的保證。